Generation T:beyond Fashion by Megan Nicolay

Generation T: Beyond FashionGeneration T: Across Fashion: 120 New Ways to Transform a T-Shirt

Megan Nicolay revolutionized the T-shirt. She repurposed it, reinterpreted information technology, reinvented it—and created the #ane craft book in the nation, Generation T, which continues to boss. Now she explores new ways to slash a tee, scrunch a tee, and sew a tee with Generation T: Beyond Fashion. A drove of 120 projects for every occasion, information technology takes the humble yet e'er-malleable tee in dozens of new directions—from baby gifts to pet accessories, stuff for the home, the car, the road, the boyfriend.

The rallying cry is: Don't buy; DIY. The result is hip, imaginative, crafty, and very green. There's a bones primer on techniques—knotting, sewing, braiding, lacing—plus a total tutorial on embellishing. And then an amazing range of projects. At that place'southward mode, of class: all-new halters and tank tops, sexy gaucho pants, a baby-doll dress, twisted shrug, and hooded scarf. Just also baby gifts: Jumper for Joy, Baby Back Bib, Wild Affair Blankie. Home décor: institute hanger, vino cozy, toilet seat encompass, ruffled apron, and Spastic Plastic (grocery tote). Grill mitts and bolo ties for the guys, doggie tee and blimp true cat toys, a steering cycle cover for the machine, the Ants Go Marching (picnic coating), and Beach Bum (beach caddy). Projects range from the simplest no-sew to intermediate, and all have piece of cake-to-follow illustrated directions—plus, how to throw your own Tee Political party.

Fourth dimension to get your craft on.

generation-t-1Generation T: 108 Means to Transform a T-Shirt

Make it yours. This inspirational guide with DIY attitude has everything you demand to know nigh the world's great T-shirt: how to cut information technology, sew it, deconstruct it, reconstruct it, and all-time of all, transform it. Features more 100 projects (plus 200 variations) for customized tees, tank tops, tube tops, T-skirts—even handbags, a patchwork blanket, iPod cozies, leg warmers, and more than. Not a DIY good? Not to worry. More than than one tertiary of the projects are no sew, significant anyone who can wield a pair of pair of scissors tin put a personal postage on her wardrobe. But the sewing basics are here likewise: backstitch and whipstitch, gather and ruche, appliqué and drawstrings. And the mission statement for Generation T: Ask non what your T-shirt can do for y'all; inquire what you tin can do for your T-shirt. So Exercise-It-Yourself!

Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-Shirt: Michaels Special Edition

Bachelor just at Michaels arts and crafts stores, this edition features ten new designs to pump up the original Generation T. Which adds upwardly to a grand total of 118 ways to transform a T-shirt. Later on you master the basic T-shirt transformation recipes from the original 108, it's time to start substituting ingredients, mixing and matching. With all the materials and tools that brand up the DIY designer's kitchen, the next stride is experimenting to find which "flavors" will raise the fashion feast. The ten additional blueprint projects teach y'all how to combine T-shirt refashioning techniques to scrumptious effect. Each projection is a hybrid design–a "love child"–incorporating two or more of the existing projects.

Functioning T-shirt: 108 Ideen, ein T-Shirt zu verwandeln (German Edition)

Pimp your Shirt! Der superheiße Trend aus New York. Der Sommer steht vor der Tür und der neuste Style für die Saison hängt noch nicht im Schrank? Kein Problem, denn wer wirklich hip sein will braucht keine teuren Klamotten von der Stange. Selbermachen ist angesagt. Megan Nicolay zeigt, wie man aus einem langweiligen T-Shirt ruckzuck ein superheißes Teil zaubert. Ob lässiger Neckholder, elegantes Wickeltop oder sexy schulterfreies Shirt – and then entstehen coole Teile, die garantiert kein anderer trägt. Nicht nur für Mädels.

Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt  (Russian Edition)

The start foreign edition to hit shelves was this Russian re-create, loosely translated as "108 Ways to Transform a Football Shirt" (obviously, T-shirt isn't a term they apply!).

Generation T: Beyond Fashion: 120 New Means to Transform a T-shirt  (Russian Edition)

Добро пожаловать, русские читатели! ("Welcome, Russian readers!") The first foreign edition of Generation T: Beyond Fashion hit shelves in 2012, in Russia. Every bit with its predecessor, the term "T-shirt" isn't a part of the linguistic communication, and then the title is  loosely translated as "120 New Means to Transform a Football Shirt" — fun!

Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt (Circuitous/Traditional Chinese Edition — Taiwan)

There are two Chinese versions for 2 unlike markets (encounter right and below, correct). This 1, translated into what's chosen "Circuitous" or "Traditional Chinese" (made up of more involved symbols), is marketed in Taiwan and published by Morning Star.

Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt (Simplified Chinese Edition — Mainland Mainland china)

Simplified Chinese, made by decreasing the number of strokes need to create many of the characters, was introduced in mainland Cathay in the 1950s and 60s (to promote literacy). This edition of Generation T, published by Shanghai Interzone,  is a delightful visual departure from the look of the other books. Megan's illustrations from the interiors grace the encompass in vibrant full color!

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